With two major tree diseases in the UK effecting Ash and Larch our forests will look very different over the next couple of decades. The Larch tree is one of the UKs most commercial grown tree and Ash makes up around 30% of the UKs tree stock. More tree diseases are expected to make their way to our shores therefore our forests need to be more resilient. A forest consisting of 10 or more trees is much better to resist diseases than a forests consisting of just 3 or 4; a number which is very common of our forests.
Following the wide spread Ash and Larch disease the Woodland Trust and Forestry Commission is actively looking to plant new species of tree into their woodlands to limit the effects of new diseases. They are continually asking what new tree species should be planted.
Timber sold to the construction industry is the highest valued timber, therefore it would be logical that the construction industry could influence what tree species we grow.
The diagram below looks at all the possibilities of timber uses within a building with already tested timber solutions allocated to a specific application.